Why Runners Should Cross Train

Why Runners Should Cross Train

As a runner, it’s tempting to stick to what you love, logging miles. However, incorporating cross-training into your routine is essential for boosting performance, preventing injury, and enhancing your overall fitness. In this article, we’ll explore why runners should...
Why consistency matters in running

Why consistency matters in running

When it comes to running, there’s one factor that separates the great from the average: consistency. Sure, speed workouts, long runs, and those new trainers you have got your eye on all have their place, but none of those will make a difference if you’re not showing...
Running with your dog

Running with your dog

Since starting canicross and qualifying as a canicross trainer, people frequently ask my advice about running with dogs. Here I have condensed all those frequently asked questions about running with your dog into what is hopefully a succinct article. I hope you find...
Rivington 10 Mile Trail Challenge

Rivington 10 Mile Trail Challenge

I’ve never done this event, purely because it’s so local. I run these trails all the time, so it has always felt a bit pointless paying to run an event here. All the same, a few friends were running it, and I thought it would be nice to join them, so I signed up. The...