Why Runners Should Cross Train

Why Runners Should Cross Train

As a runner, it’s tempting to stick to what you love, logging miles. However, incorporating cross-training into your routine is essential for boosting performance, preventing injury, and enhancing your overall fitness. In this article, we’ll explore why runners should...
It’s OK to miss a race goal

It’s OK to miss a race goal

We’ve all been there: spending months training, setting big goals, and picturing that perfect race day moment where everything clicks. But what happens when things don’t go as planned? Maybe you didn’t hit your target time, struggled through the final miles, or simply...
Should you stretch after running?

Should you stretch after running?

This week, a client asked me whether she should stretch after running, and how long she should spend doing it. My answer was a little longer than I think she was expecting, so I thought I would share my thoughts here on whether you should stretch after...
Why consistency matters in running

Why consistency matters in running

When it comes to running, there’s one factor that separates the great from the average: consistency. Sure, speed workouts, long runs, and those new trainers you have got your eye on all have their place, but none of those will make a difference if you’re not showing...
Why I love being a parkrun tourist

Why I love being a parkrun tourist

It has come to my attention that I am a parkrun tourist. How does this happen, I hear you ask? How do you unwittingly become a parkrun tourist? The beginning I began running at parkrun when our, then local, Newark parkrun opened in 2013. Until then I had never even...