We run because we enjoy it, right? If you don’t have a particular race to train for, you might be thinking, “Why do I need a training plan?” Sometimes, a lack of focus in our running can cause us to lose consistency and motivation. When life gets busy, it’s easy to drift from run to run without any forward planning or commitment. This can have a negative impact on our running. On the other hand, if we’re really enjoying our running, we may over train and be at risk of injury. This is why a training plan is so important. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider a training plan, even if you don’t have a race in the diary.


Consistency is so important for your running because it helps you establish a routine and build a solid base of fitness over time. Running consistently trains your body to adapt to the demands of exercise. Regular running also helps strengthen the muscles, bones, and connective tissues in your body, reducing the risk of injury. You’ll get into the habit too, making it mentally easier to stick to your goals. You’ll see progress and improvement through consistent running, which can motivate you to keep going.


A good training plan will be designed to gradually increase the intensity and duration of your runs over time. A steady progression will help you to avoid overtraining and injury. It can also be really motivating to set yourself small goals, based on time or distance or even a Strava segment, and work towards it.


Do you ever feel like your running is plateauing? We can all get a bit stuck in a rut. A training plan will help you incorporate different types of runs, such as speed workouts, hill repeats, and long runs. Variety is the spice of life, so keep your training interesting and challenging.


The power of having your plan written down, and ticking the sessions off one by one as you do them, can help keep you accountable. That little hit of dopamine as you tick off a session as “done” will keep you motivated to stick to your goals.


A good training plan will enable you to be flexible too. We know that life and work can sometimes throw things at you that mean you can’t get out for a planned session. This is why working with a coach can be useful, who will help you make changes to your schedule, whilst keeping you on track for your goals.

Now you understand how a varied, flexible training plan can help you to be more consistent in your running. It can provide accountability and motivation, while helping you to build your fitness in a safe way. Why not have a go at planning out your training for the next week? If you need some help with this, feel free to get in touch with me. 

We encourage participants on our Get Stronger, Run A Faster 5k course to plan out their week every Sunday evening. This helps them to see where they can fit in running and strength sessions around their work, social and family commitments. Writing everything down also helps them spot where they might be overdoing it and need to plan in some rest. Like the sound of having some help with planning your training and building consistency? Find out more about the course here.