We’ve all been there: spending months training, setting big goals, and picturing that perfect race day moment where everything clicks. But what happens when things don’t go as planned? Maybe you didn’t hit your target time, struggled through the final miles, or simply had an off day. It’s easy to feel disappointed, but here’s the truth: it’s ok to miss a race goal. It isn’t a failure, it’s an opportunity to learn and change things up for next time.

A Story of the Leeds 10k

I had been chasing that holy grail of a sub-50 for the entirety of 2016. Gradually I had been knocking a few seconds off here and there, and I had been focusing on 10k training to really hone my middle distance speed endurance. My parkrun times had been improving to almost under 23 minutes, but I was still finding the 10k distance difficult to pace well. I had been seeing some small improvements and I ran a 50:43 in the race before the Leeds 10k.  

Run for All had very kindly given me a place in the Hull, Leeds and York 10ks, so this race wasn’t on my original PB race list. However, I had been assured the route is flat and fast so I was positive going into it. 

My plan went wrong

My plan was to start off steady, and gradually build the pace up each kilometre to conserve energy and finish strong. I started well, at my goal pace, but by the 3rd kilometre, I had slowed down, and by the 4th kilometre at the first water station I was struggling with the suffocating heat. As I hit 5k, my throat closed up and I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate so I slowed to a walk while I tried to regulate my breathing. I’m not sure why that happened really; it’s never happened before during a run. I don’t know whether I was too hot, or whether it was just an extreme physiological reaction to the disappointment I felt that my legs weren’t moving as fast as I wanted them too. 

By the turnaround point at 5.5k I had fallen too far behind to attempt a sub 50 so I settled for aiming to keep going at a tempo pace and just get back. As the route is an out and back, it was nice to see all the runners on the other side of the carriageway, and got a boost around 7k as I heard my club buddies Nicki and Jacqui shout my name. I was approaching the 8k mark and felt stronger again as we neared the finish. There were still lots of runners on the other side at 3k; it’s a huge race!! We peeled off the dual carriageway at 9k to head back into the city centre and my legs struggled to even get up a tiny incline; I just had no energy. I crossed the finish line eventually in 53:55 and felt a bit flat. 

What Went Wrong?

So what happened? How was I over 3 minutes slower than my best time? 

I have plenty of excuses:

  • Insufficient warm up. 
  • New shorts (fear of chafing)
  • Haven’t trained enough
  • Set off too quickly
  • Very humid (20.5 degrees and cloudy)
  • Wrong time of the month 
  • Didn’t eat enough for breakfast
  • Terrible night’s sleep. 
  • Mindset in wrong place
  • Hurty glutes from a new strength workout on Friday. 
  • An extra race that wasn’t in my original plan – overtraining?
  • Shall I go on …? 

I could make many more excuses, and my performance at the Leeds 10k was probably a mixture of some or all of them, but it’s also important to accept sometimes that we can’t physically – or even mentally – be at our best all of the time. Nor can we expect to PB at every single race, which is why I’m ok with this. We are human, and no matter how much we advocate positive thinking, or how rigidly we follow a training plan, we are all fallible and things can sometimes not go to plan. Failure is part of experiential learning, and we learn so much more from failing to do something than we do if we get something right first time.  

I picked myself up from this, and went on to run a sub-50, sub-49 and even a sub-48 shortly after this race.

Here are a few tips if you are struggling to come with terms with a race that didn’t go your way

1. It’s OK to Miss a Race Goal

Remember that one race doesn’t define your ability as a runner. We all have highs and lows, and every runner has had at least one race that didn’t go their way. It’s more than ok to miss a race goal sometimes – it doesn’t erase all the hard work you put into training. In fact, showing up on race day takes courage and commitment, and that’s something to be proud of on its own.

2. Learn From It

When a race doesn’t go as planned, it’s a chance to reflect and learn. Ask yourself:

  • What went well? Did you stick to your pacing strategy for the first half? Did you hydrate and fuel properly? It’s important to recognize the positives.
  • What could be improved? Was your pace too aggressive in the early miles? Did you struggle mentally in tough spots? Understanding where things went off course can provide valuable insight for future races.

These reflections aren’t about beating yourself up—they’re about getting better. Every race is a learning experience, and the more we reflect, the more prepared we’ll be next time.

3. Adjust Expectations

Not every race will be perfect. Conditions like weather, terrain, and even how well you slept the night before can impact performance. Sometimes, it’s worth adjusting expectations mid-race. Maybe a scorching hot day means you won’t hit your target time, but you can still focus on finishing strong or sticking to a new pacing strategy.

Recognising when to adjust your goals in the moment is a skill that will serve you well in future races. It’s not about giving up, it’s about being flexible and smart in the face of adversity.

4. Celebrate the Journey

Training for a race is a long process, and the journey itself is worth celebrating. Think back to how far you’ve come since you first set that goal. Whether you improved your speed, increased your mileage, or simply stayed committed to your training plan, those are all wins! Race day is just one part of the journey, and even if you didn’t hit your goal this time, the growth you’ve experienced along the way is invaluable.

5. Use Missing a Race Goal as Motivation

Missing a goal doesn’t mean you won’t ever achieve it. In fact, it can fuel your determination for the next race. Instead of feeling discouraged, use it as motivation to keep improving. You now have a clearer idea of what to work on, whether it’s refining your pacing, improving your mental toughness, or tweaking your training plan.

Remember, running is a long-term journey. Every setback is a setup for future success. It’s okay to feel disappointed for a moment, but don’t let it overshadow all the progress you’ve made and the opportunities ahead.

6. Success Isn’t Just About the Finish Line

Success as a runner isn’t only about crossing the finish line with a specific time on the clock. It’s about resilience, persistence, and the ability to keep showing up on good days and bad. Even when a race doesn’t go as planned, you’ve gained experience, strength, and a deeper understanding of what you’re capable of.

Final Thoughts

Missing a goal can feel tough in the moment, but it’s important to remember that no race defines you. Every race is a chance to learn, grow, and improve, and it’s ok to miss a race goal sometime. Use these experiences to shape your training and mindset for the future, and don’t forget to celebrate the journey. The next goal is just around the corner, and you’re better prepared for it than ever before.