by Miles with Michelle | Oct 6, 2023 | Coaching, Marathon Training, Running
As winter approaches, your spring marathon may still seem a long way away. You won’t need to start training for it until December or January, right? Wrong. What you choose to prioritise in your training right now can make a huge difference not only to your...
by Miles with Michelle | Oct 6, 2023 | Canicross, Canicross Conversations
Since starting canicross and qualifying as a canicross trainer, people frequently ask my advice about running with dogs. Here I have condensed all those frequently asked questions about running with your dog into what is hopefully a succinct article. I hope you find...
by Miles with Michelle | Oct 6, 2023 | Running
It has come to my attention that I am a parkrun tourist. How does this happen, I hear you ask? How do you unwittingly becomeĀ a parkrun tourist? The beginning I began running at parkrun when our, then local, Newark parkrun opened in 2013. Until then I had never even...
by Miles with Michelle | Mar 23, 2023 | Running
We run because we enjoy it, right? If you don’t have a particular race to train for, you might be thinking, “Why do I need a training plan?” Sometimes, a lack of focus in our running can cause us to lose consistency and motivation. When life gets...
by Miles with Michelle | Apr 28, 2022 | Product Review
I get asked a lot by clients which running bras I recommend, so I was excited when MAAREE asked me if I would like to try their High Impact sports bra. It’s a brand I hadn’t heard of before, and believe me, I’ve tried a LOT. The MAAREE brand was set...
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